Published Nov 13, 2020
Ivy League Cancels Winter Sports
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Jay Gomes  •  NJHoops

Consistent with its commitment to safeguard the health and wellbeing of student-athletes, the greater campus community and general public, the Ivy League Council of Presidents has decided that league schools will not conduct intercollegiate athletics competition in winter sports during the 2020-21 season. In addition, the Ivy League will not conduct competition for fall sports during the upcoming spring semester. Lastly, intercollegiate athletics competition for spring sports is postponed through at least the end of February 2021.

The unanimous decisions by the Ivy League Council of Presidents follow extended consideration of options and strategies to mitigate the transmission of the COVID-19 virus, an analysis of current increasing rates of COVID-19 – locally, regionally and nationally – and the resulting need to continue the campus policies related to travel, group size and visitors to campus that safeguard the campus and community.

Athletics training opportunities and practices for enrolled student-athletes will be permitted, provided they are structured in accordance with each institution's procedures and applicable state and local regulations. This approach is consistent with the phased approach implemented by the Ivy League for all sports in the fall 2020 term.

The Council will continue to closely monitor and evaluate the public health climate and consider changes to policies when warranted in order to return to more normal campus operations, including potential spring intercollegiate athletics competition.

Winter and fall sport student-athletes will not lose a season of Ivy League or NCAA eligibility, whether or not they enroll. Students who wish to pursue competition during a fifth-year of undergraduate education at their home institution, if permitted, or as a graduate student elsewhere will need to work with their institutions in accordance with campus policy to determine their options beyond their current anticipated graduation date.

The Ivy League Council of Presidents offered the following joint statement: Throughout the last nine months, we have asked our campus communities to make extraordinary adjustments in order to do our part in combating the global pandemic and to safeguard the health and wellbeing of our students, faculty members, staff and the communities in which they live and work.

Regrettably, the current trends regarding transmission of the COVID-19 virus and subsequent protocols that must be put in place are impeding our strong desire to return to intercollegiate athletics competition in a safe manner.

Student-athletes, their families and coaches are again being asked to make enormous sacrifices for the good of public health — and we do not make this decision lightly. While these decisions come with great disappointment and frustration, our commitment to the safety and lasting health of our student-athletes and wider communities must remain our highest priority.

We look forward to the day when intercollegiate athletics — which are such an important part of the fabric of our campus communities — will safely return in a manner and format we all know and appreciate.

Statement From Princeton's Ford Family Director of Athletics, Mollie Marcoux Samaan '91"I am deeply saddened for our student-athletes who steadfastly desire a return to representing Princeton University in competition. Unfortunately, the uncertainty around COVID-19 remains and the risks surrounding this health crisis require more patience before returning to play. The Council of Ivy League Presidents, the Ivy League leadership team and the Athletics Directors continue to put considerable thought into how to manage this global pandemic and while it was determined that we are still not able to compete safely, the commitment to Athletics and it's critical and fully integrated role on our campuses has only been strengthened by our collective commitment to the safety and well-being of students, staff and the greater campus communities.

Within Princeton Athletics, our passion and dedication to each other remains the same. While we are not preparing to compete this winter, we continue to prepare our young men and women to achieve, serve and lead. Our mission of education through athletics persists, strengthened by the knowledge that when the moment arrives and it is appropriate for us to return to competition, our Princeton Athletics family will do so with renewed spirit and a continued commitment to excellence in all we do."